From Thursday to Sunday evening we have friends and co-workers invited to celebrate our departure from Bayern. Bavaria was for us “Newcomers” about 18 Years the center of life and home. We are grateful and sometimes very touching, that over 120 People have made their way to us personally “Ade” to say. A real highlight and a big surprise was the very personal gift of a former employee and friend of the family. See, Soprano of Croatian “Flap” from Munich, has on Saturday night totally us with the appearance of his singing group “from the stool” carved. Katja and I were deeply emotionally touched upon this wonderful event. One of the nicest gifts, I have in my 48 Years of age have received and expression of my personal connectedness and appreciation of the Croatian mentality and Community. THANK YOU guys, so etwas kann man nicht mit Geld kaufen 🙂
On Sunday we have our “WORLD VISION” Emptied piggy bank and it is a nice sum come together, we will send in a child. A beautiful feeling, that we could celebrate together with you and at the same time give a child a piece of the future in the coming days we will report more details.